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  1. variable "bootstrap_dns" {
  2. default = true
  3. description = "Whether to include DNS entries for the bootstrap node or not."
  4. }
  5. variable "libvirt_uri" {
  6. type = "string"
  7. description = "libvirt connection URI"
  8. }
  9. variable "libvirt_network_if" {
  10. type = "string"
  11. description = "The name of the bridge to use"
  12. }
  13. variable "libvirt_ip_range" {
  14. type = "string"
  15. description = "IP range for the libvirt machines"
  16. }
  17. variable "os_image" {
  18. type = "string"
  19. description = "The URL of the OS disk image"
  20. }
  21. variable "libvirt_bootstrap_ip" {
  22. type = "string"
  23. description = "the desired bootstrap ip"
  24. }
  25. variable "libvirt_master_ips" {
  26. type = "list"
  27. description = "the list of desired master ips. Must match master_count"
  28. }
  29. # It's definitely recommended to bump this if you can.
  30. variable "libvirt_master_memory" {
  31. type = "string"
  32. description = "RAM in MiB allocated to masters"
  33. default = "4096"
  34. }
  35. # At some point this one is likely to default to the number
  36. # of physical cores you have. See also
  37. #
  38. variable "libvirt_master_vcpu" {
  39. type = "string"
  40. description = "CPUs allocated to masters"
  41. default = "2"
  42. }
  43. variable "ssh_key" {
  44. type = "string"
  45. description = "ssh public key"
  46. }
  47. variable "libvirt_worker_ips" {
  48. type = "list"
  49. description = "the list of desired master ips. Must match worker_count"
  50. }
  51. # It's definitely recommended to bump this if you can.
  52. variable "libvirt_worker_memory" {
  53. type = "string"
  54. description = "RAM in MiB allocated to masters"
  55. default = "2048"
  56. }
  57. # At some point this one is likely to default to the number
  58. # of physical cores you have. See also
  59. #
  60. variable "libvirt_worker_vcpu" {
  61. type = "string"
  62. description = "CPUs allocated to workers"
  63. default = "1"
  64. }