variable "bootstrap_dns" { default = true description = "Whether to include DNS entries for the bootstrap node or not." } variable "libvirt_uri" { type = "string" description = "libvirt connection URI" } variable "libvirt_network_if" { type = "string" description = "The name of the bridge to use" } variable "libvirt_ip_range" { type = "string" description = "IP range for the libvirt machines" } variable "os_image" { type = "string" description = "The URL of the OS disk image" } variable "libvirt_bootstrap_ip" { type = "string" description = "the desired bootstrap ip" } variable "libvirt_master_ips" { type = "list" description = "the list of desired master ips. Must match master_count" } # It's definitely recommended to bump this if you can. variable "libvirt_master_memory" { type = "string" description = "RAM in MiB allocated to masters" default = "4096" } # At some point this one is likely to default to the number # of physical cores you have. See also # variable "libvirt_master_vcpu" { type = "string" description = "CPUs allocated to masters" default = "2" } variable "ssh_key" { type = "string" description = "ssh public key" } variable "libvirt_worker_ips" { type = "list" description = "the list of desired master ips. Must match worker_count" } # It's definitely recommended to bump this if you can. variable "libvirt_worker_memory" { type = "string" description = "RAM in MiB allocated to masters" default = "2048" } # At some point this one is likely to default to the number # of physical cores you have. See also # variable "libvirt_worker_vcpu" { type = "string" description = "CPUs allocated to workers" default = "1" }