# 部署Redis [Redis openshift模板地址](https://github.com/mjudeikis/redis-openshift) ## Reliable, Scalable Redis on Openshift The following document describes the deployment of a reliable, multi-node Redis on Openshift. It deploys a master with replicated slaves, as well as replicated redis sentinels which are use for health checking and failover. ### Prerequisites This example assumes that you have a Openshift cluster installed and running, and that you have installed the ```oc``` command line tool somewhere in your path. ### Run #make sure you have base image available oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mjudeikis/redis-openshift/master/openshift/is-base.yaml -n openshift #create all components oc create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mjudeikis/redis-openshift/master/list.yaml #start build and watch oc start-build redis-build