123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397 |
- #!/bin/env python
- """
- Attempts to read 'master-config.yaml' and extract remote
- host information to dynamically create an inventory file
- in order to run Ansible playbooks against that host.
- """
- import os
- import re
- import shlex
- import shutil
- import subprocess
- import sys
- import yaml
- try:
- HOME = os.environ['HOME']
- except KeyError:
- print 'A required environment variable "$HOME" has not been set'
- exit(1)
- DEFAULT_USER_CONFIG_PATH = '/etc/inventory-generator-config.yaml'
- DEFAULT_MASTER_CONFIG_PATH = HOME + '/master-config.yaml'
- INVENTORY_FULL_PATH = HOME + '/generated_hosts'
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- INVENTORY_FULL_PATH = sys.argv[1]
- USE_STDOUT = False
- class OpenShiftClientError(Exception):
- """Base exception class for OpenShift CLI wrapper"""
- pass
- class InvalidHost(Exception):
- """Base exception class for host creation problems."""
- pass
- class InvalidHostGroup(Exception):
- """Base exception class for host-group creation problems."""
- pass
- class OpenShiftClient:
- oc = None
- kubeconfig = None
- def __init__(self, kubeconfig=DEFAULT_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG_PATH):
- """Find and store path to oc binary"""
- # https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/issues/3410
- # oc can be in /usr/local/bin in some cases, but that may not
- # be in $PATH due to ansible/sudo
- paths = os.environ.get("PATH", os.defpath).split(os.pathsep) + ['/usr/local/bin', os.path.expanduser('~/bin')]
- oc_binary_name = 'oc'
- oc_binary = None
- # Use shutil.which if it is available, otherwise fallback to a naive path search
- try:
- which_result = shutil.which(oc_binary_name, path=os.pathsep.join(paths))
- if which_result is not None:
- oc_binary = which_result
- except AttributeError:
- for path in paths:
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, oc_binary_name)):
- oc_binary = os.path.join(path, oc_binary_name)
- break
- if oc_binary is None:
- raise OpenShiftClientError('Unable to locate `oc` binary. Not present in PATH.')
- self.oc = oc_binary
- self.kubeconfig = kubeconfig
- def call(self, cmd_str):
- """Execute a remote call using `oc`"""
- cmd = [
- self.oc,
- '--kubeconfig',
- self.kubeconfig
- ] + shlex.split(cmd_str)
- try:
- out = subprocess.check_output(list(cmd), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
- raise OpenShiftClientError('[rc {}] {}\n{}'.format(err.returncode, ' '.join(err.cmd), err.output))
- return out
- def whoami(self):
- """Retrieve information about the current user in the given kubeconfig"""
- return self.call('whoami')
- def get_nodes(self):
- """Retrieve remote node information as a yaml object"""
- return self.call('get nodes -o yaml')
- class HostGroup:
- groupname = ""
- hosts = list()
- def __init__(self, hosts):
- if not hosts:
- return
- first = hosts[0].get_group_name()
- for h in hosts:
- if h.get_group_name() != first:
- raise InvalidHostGroup("Attempt to create HostGroup with hosts of varying groups.")
- self.hosts = hosts
- self.groupname = first
- def add_host(self, host):
- """Add a new host to this group."""
- self.hosts.append(host)
- def get_group_name(self):
- """Return the groupname associated with each aggregated host."""
- return self.groupname
- def get_hosts(self):
- """Return aggregated hosts"""
- return self.hosts
- def string(self):
- """Call the print method for each aggregated host; separated by newlines."""
- infos = ""
- for host in self.hosts:
- infos += host.string() + "\n"
- return infos
- class Host:
- group = "masters"
- alias = ""
- hostname = ""
- public_hostname = ""
- ip_addr = ""
- public_ip_addr = ""
- def __init__(self, groupname):
- if not groupname:
- raise InvalidHost("Attempt to create Host with no group name provided.")
- self.group = groupname
- def get_group_name(self):
- return self.group
- def get_openshift_hostname(self):
- return self.hostname
- def host_alias(self, hostalias):
- """Set an alias for this host."""
- self.alias = hostalias
- def address(self, ip):
- """Set the ip address for this host."""
- self.ip_addr = ip
- def public_address(self, ip):
- """Set the external ip address for this host."""
- self.public_ip_addr = ip
- def host_name(self, hname):
- self.hostname = parse_hostname(hname)
- def public_host_name(self, phname):
- self.public_hostname = parse_hostname(phname)
- def string(self):
- """Print an inventory-file compatible string with host information"""
- info = ""
- if self.alias:
- info += self.alias + " "
- elif self.hostname:
- info += self.hostname + " "
- elif self.ip_addr:
- info += self.ip_addr + " "
- if self.ip_addr:
- info += "openshift_ip=" + self.ip_addr + " "
- if self.public_ip_addr:
- info += "openshift_public_ip=" + self.public_ip_addr + " "
- if self.hostname:
- info += "openshift_kubelet_name_override=" + self.hostname + " "
- if self.public_hostname:
- info += "openshift_public_hostname=" + self.public_hostname
- return info
- def parse_hostname(host):
- """Remove protocol and port from given hostname.
- Return parsed string"""
- no_proto = re.split('^http(s)?\:\/\/', host)
- if no_proto:
- host = no_proto[-1]
- no_port = re.split('\:[0-9]+(/)?$', host)
- if no_port:
- host = no_port[0]
- return host
- def main():
- """Parse master-config file and populate inventory file."""
- # set default values
- USER_CONFIG = os.environ.get('CONFIG')
- if not USER_CONFIG:
- # read user configuration
- try:
- config_file_obj = open(USER_CONFIG, 'r')
- raw_config_file = config_file_obj.read()
- user_config = yaml.load(raw_config_file)
- if not user_config:
- user_config = dict()
- except IOError as err:
- print "Unable to find or read user configuration file '{}': {}".format(USER_CONFIG, err)
- exit(1)
- master_config_path = user_config.get('master_config_path', DEFAULT_MASTER_CONFIG_PATH)
- if not master_config_path:
- master_config_path = DEFAULT_MASTER_CONFIG_PATH
- admin_kubeconfig_path = user_config.get('admin_kubeconfig_path', DEFAULT_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG_PATH)
- if not admin_kubeconfig_path:
- admin_kubeconfig_path = DEFAULT_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG_PATH
- try:
- file_obj = open(master_config_path, 'r')
- except IOError as err:
- print "Unable to find or read host master configuration file '{}': {}".format(master_config_path, err)
- exit(1)
- raw_text = file_obj.read()
- y = yaml.load(raw_text)
- if y.get("kind", "") != "MasterConfig":
- print "Bind-mounted host master configuration file is not of 'kind' MasterConfig. Aborting..."
- exit(1)
- # finish reading config file and begin gathering
- # cluster information for inventory file
- file_obj.close()
- # set inventory values based on user configuration
- ansible_ssh_user = user_config.get('ansible_ssh_user', 'root')
- ansible_become_user = user_config.get('ansible_become_user')
- openshift_uninstall_images = user_config.get('openshift_uninstall_images', False)
- openshift_install_examples = user_config.get('openshift_install_examples', True)
- openshift_deployment_type = user_config.get('openshift_deployment_type', 'origin')
- openshift_release = user_config.get('openshift_release')
- openshift_image_tag = user_config.get('openshift_image_tag')
- openshift_logging_image_version = user_config.get('openshift_logging_image_version')
- openshift_disable_check = user_config.get('openshift_disable_check')
- # extract host config info from parsed yaml file
- asset_config = y.get("assetConfig")
- master_config = y.get("kubernetesMasterConfig")
- etcd_config = y.get("etcdClientInfo")
- # if master_config is missing, error out; we expect to be running on a master to be able to
- # gather enough information to generate the rest of the inventory file.
- if not master_config:
- msg = "'kubernetesMasterConfig' missing from '{}'; unable to gather all necessary host information..."
- print msg.format(master_config_path)
- exit(1)
- master_public_url = y.get("masterPublicURL")
- if not master_public_url:
- msg = "'kubernetesMasterConfig.masterPublicURL' missing from '{}'; Unable to connect to master host..."
- print msg.format(master_config_path)
- exit(1)
- oc = OpenShiftClient(admin_kubeconfig_path)
- # ensure kubeconfig is logged in with provided user, or fail with a friendly message otherwise
- try:
- oc.whoami()
- except OpenShiftClientError as err:
- msg = ("Unable to obtain user information using the provided kubeconfig file. "
- "Current context does not appear to be able to authenticate to the server. "
- "Error returned from server:\n\n{}")
- print msg.format(str(err))
- exit(1)
- # connect to remote host using the provided config and extract all possible node information
- nodes_config = yaml.load(oc.get_nodes())
- # contains host types (e.g. masters, nodes, etcd)
- host_groups = dict()
- openshift_logging_install_logging = False
- is_etcd_deployed = master_config.get("storage-backend", "") in ["etcd3", "etcd2", "etcd"]
- if asset_config and asset_config.get('loggingPublicURL'):
- openshift_logging_install_logging = True
- openshift_logging_install_logging = user_config.get("openshift_logging_install_logging", openshift_logging_install_logging)
- m = Host("masters")
- m.address(master_config["masterIP"])
- m.public_host_name(master_public_url)
- host_groups["masters"] = HostGroup([m])
- if nodes_config:
- node_hosts = list()
- for node in nodes_config.get("items", []):
- if node["kind"] != "Node":
- continue
- n = Host("nodes")
- address = ""
- internal_hostname = ""
- for item in node["status"].get("addresses", []):
- if not address and item['type'] in ['InternalIP', 'LegacyHostIP']:
- address = item['address']
- if item['type'] == 'Hostname':
- internal_hostname = item['address']
- n.address(address)
- n.host_name(internal_hostname)
- node_hosts.append(n)
- host_groups["nodes"] = HostGroup(node_hosts)
- if etcd_config:
- etcd_hosts = list()
- for url in etcd_config.get("urls", []):
- e = Host("etcd")
- e.host_name(url)
- etcd_hosts.append(e)
- host_groups["etcd"] = HostGroup(etcd_hosts)
- # open new inventory file for writing
- inv_file_obj = sys.stdout
- else:
- try:
- inv_file_obj = open(INVENTORY_FULL_PATH, 'w+')
- except IOError as err:
- print "Unable to create or open generated inventory file: {}".format(err)
- exit(1)
- inv_file_obj.write("[OSEv3:children]\n")
- for group in host_groups:
- inv_file_obj.write("{}\n".format(group))
- inv_file_obj.write("\n")
- inv_file_obj.write("[OSEv3:vars]\n")
- if ansible_ssh_user:
- inv_file_obj.write("ansible_ssh_user={}\n".format(ansible_ssh_user))
- if ansible_become_user:
- inv_file_obj.write("ansible_become_user={}\n".format(ansible_become_user))
- inv_file_obj.write("ansible_become=yes\n")
- if openshift_uninstall_images:
- inv_file_obj.write("openshift_uninstall_images={}\n".format(str(openshift_uninstall_images)))
- if openshift_deployment_type:
- inv_file_obj.write("openshift_deployment_type={}\n".format(openshift_deployment_type))
- if openshift_install_examples:
- inv_file_obj.write("openshift_install_examples={}\n".format(str(openshift_install_examples)))
- if openshift_release:
- inv_file_obj.write("openshift_release={}\n".format(str(openshift_release)))
- if openshift_image_tag:
- inv_file_obj.write("openshift_image_tag={}\n".format(str(openshift_image_tag)))
- if openshift_logging_image_version:
- inv_file_obj.write("openshift_logging_image_version={}\n".format(str(openshift_logging_image_version)))
- if openshift_disable_check:
- inv_file_obj.write("openshift_disable_check={}\n".format(str(openshift_disable_check)))
- inv_file_obj.write("\n")
- inv_file_obj.write("openshift_logging_install_logging={}\n".format(str(openshift_logging_install_logging)))
- inv_file_obj.write("\n")
- for group in host_groups:
- inv_file_obj.write("[{}]\n".format(host_groups[group].get_group_name()))
- inv_file_obj.write(host_groups[group].string())
- inv_file_obj.write("\n")
- inv_file_obj.close()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()