#!/bin/bash # This script pushes a built image to a registry. # # Set OS_PUSH_BASE_REGISTRY to prefix the destination images e.g. # OS_PUSH_BASE_REGISTRY="docker.io/" # # Set OS_PUSH_TAG with a comma-separated list for pushing same image # to multiple tags e.g. # OS_PUSH_TAG="latest,v3.6" set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail starttime=$(date +%s) # image name without repo or tag. image="${PREFIX:-docker.io/openshift/origin-ansible}" # existing local tag on the image we want to push source_tag="${OS_TAG:-latest}" # Enable retagging a build with one or more tags for push IFS=',' read -r -a push_tags <<< "${OS_PUSH_TAG:-latest}" registry="${OS_PUSH_BASE_REGISTRY:-}" # force push if available PUSH_OPTS="" if docker push --help | grep -q force; then PUSH_OPTS="--force" fi set -x for tag in "${push_tags[@]}"; do docker tag "${image}:${source_tag}" "${registry}${image}:${tag}" docker push ${PUSH_OPTS} "${registry}${image}:${tag}" done set +x endtime=$(date +%s); echo "$0 took $(($endtime - $starttime)) seconds"; exit 0