123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338 |
- """
- TODO: (from convo w/ Ivan)
- the issue with this script (but would still like to re-read it to refresh my memory). The script loads all edge sequences and tries to do two things at once: create p_ctg and a_ctg sequences, and align the bubbles using those sequences
- If we generate:
- 1. All paths first (as tiling paths) for all p_ctg and all a_ctg without loading sequences - this should not consume much space (take a look at *_tiling_paths files).
- 2. Load the first read of each tiling path fully, and only edge sequences for every transition, we can generate the output sequences with the same memory/disk consumption.
- 3. Align bubbles after that.
- Our resource consumption should be same
- Bubbles?
- It aligns them to produce the identity score
- After that the dedup_a_tigs.py script is used to deduplicate fake a_ctg.
- But that script is simple, and only depends on the alignment info that the previous script stored in the a_ctg header.
- """
- from builtins import zip
- from builtins import range
- import argparse
- import logging
- import sys
- import networkx as nx
- from ..FastaReader import open_fasta_reader
- from ..io import open_progress
- RCMAP = dict(list(zip("ACGTacgtNn-", "TGCAtgcaNn-")))
- def log(msg):
- sys.stderr.write(msg)
- sys.stderr.write('\n')
- def rc(seq):
- return "".join([RCMAP[c] for c in seq[::-1]])
- def reverse_end(node_id):
- node_id, end = node_id.split(":")
- new_end = "B" if end == "E" else "E"
- return node_id + ":" + new_end
- def yield_first_seq(one_path_edges, seqs):
- if one_path_edges and one_path_edges[0][0] != one_path_edges[-1][1]:
- # If non-empty, and non-circular,
- # prepend the entire first read.
- (vv, ww) = one_path_edges[0]
- (vv_rid, vv_letter) = vv.split(":")
- if vv_letter == 'E':
- first_seq = seqs[vv_rid]
- else:
- assert vv_letter == 'B'
- first_seq = "".join([RCMAP[c] for c in seqs[vv_rid][::-1]])
- yield first_seq
- def compose_ctg(seqs, edge_data, ctg_id, path_edges, proper_ctg):
- total_score = 0
- total_length = 0
- edge_lines = []
- sub_seqs = []
- # If required, add the first read to the path sequence.
- if proper_ctg:
- sub_seqs = list(yield_first_seq(path_edges, seqs))
- total_length = 0 if len(sub_seqs) == 0 else len(sub_seqs[0])
- # Splice-in the rest of the path sequence.
- for vv, ww in path_edges:
- rid, s, t, aln_score, idt, e_seq = edge_data[(vv, ww)]
- sub_seqs.append(e_seq)
- edge_lines.append('%s %s %s %s %d %d %d %0.2f' % (
- ctg_id, vv, ww, rid, s, t, aln_score, idt))
- total_length += abs(s - t)
- total_score += aln_score
- return edge_lines, sub_seqs, total_score, total_length
- def run(improper_p_ctg, proper_a_ctg, preads_fasta_fn, sg_edges_list_fn, utg_data_fn, ctg_paths_fn):
- """improper==True => Neglect the initial read.
- We used to need that for unzip.
- """
- reads_in_layout = set()
- with open_progress(sg_edges_list_fn) as f:
- for l in f:
- l = l.strip().split()
- """001039799:E 000333411:E 000333411 17524 20167 17524 99.62 G"""
- v, w, rid, s, t, aln_score, idt, type_ = l
- if type_ != "G":
- continue
- r1 = v.split(":")[0]
- reads_in_layout.add(r1)
- r2 = w.split(":")[0]
- reads_in_layout.add(r2)
- seqs = {}
- # load all p-read name into memory
- with open_fasta_reader(preads_fasta_fn) as f:
- for r in f:
- if r.name not in reads_in_layout:
- continue
- seqs[r.name] = r.sequence.upper() # name == rid-string
- edge_data = {}
- with open_progress(sg_edges_list_fn) as f:
- for l in f:
- l = l.strip().split()
- """001039799:E 000333411:E 000333411 17524 20167 17524 99.62 G"""
- v, w, rid, s, t, aln_score, idt, type_ = l
- if type_ != "G":
- continue
- r1, dir1 = v.split(":")
- reads_in_layout.add(r1) # redundant, but harmless
- r2, dir2 = w.split(":")
- reads_in_layout.add(r2) # redundant, but harmless
- s = int(s)
- t = int(t)
- aln_score = int(aln_score)
- idt = float(idt)
- if s < t:
- e_seq = seqs[rid][s:t]
- assert 'E' == dir2
- else:
- # t and s were swapped for 'c' alignments in ovlp_to_graph.generate_string_graph():702
- # They were translated from reverse-dir to forward-dir coordinate system in LA4Falcon.
- e_seq = "".join([RCMAP[c] for c in seqs[rid][t:s][::-1]])
- assert 'B' == dir2
- edge_data[(v, w)] = (rid, s, t, aln_score, idt, e_seq)
- utg_data = {}
- with open_progress(utg_data_fn) as f:
- for l in f:
- l = l.strip().split()
- s, v, t, type_, length, score, path_or_edges = l
- if type_ not in ["compound", "simple", "contained"]:
- continue
- length = int(length)
- score = int(score)
- if type_ in ("simple", "contained"):
- path_or_edges = path_or_edges.split("~")
- else:
- path_or_edges = [tuple(e.split("~"))
- for e in path_or_edges.split("|")]
- utg_data[(s, v, t)] = type_, length, score, path_or_edges
- p_ctg_out = open("p_ctg.fa", "w")
- a_ctg_out = open("a_ctg_all.fa", "w")
- p_ctg_t_out = open("p_ctg_tiling_path", "w")
- a_ctg_t_out = open("a_ctg_all_tiling_path", "w")
- layout_ctg = set()
- with open_progress(ctg_paths_fn) as f:
- for l in f:
- l = l.strip().split()
- ctg_id, c_type_, i_utig, t0, length, score, utgs = l
- ctg_id = ctg_id
- s0 = i_utig.split("~")[0]
- if (reverse_end(t0), reverse_end(s0)) in layout_ctg:
- continue
- else:
- layout_ctg.add((s0, t0))
- ctg_label = i_utig + "~" + t0
- length = int(length)
- utgs = utgs.split("|")
- one_path = []
- total_score = 0
- total_length = 0
- #a_ctg_data = []
- a_ctg_group = {}
- for utg in utgs:
- s, v, t = utg.split("~")
- type_, length, score, path_or_edges = utg_data[(s, v, t)]
- total_score += score
- total_length += length
- if type_ == "simple":
- if len(one_path) != 0:
- one_path.extend(path_or_edges[1:])
- else:
- one_path.extend(path_or_edges)
- if type_ == "compound":
- c_graph = nx.DiGraph()
- all_alt_path = []
- for ss, vv, tt in path_or_edges:
- type_, length, score, sub_path = utg_data[(ss, vv, tt)]
- v1 = sub_path[0]
- for v2 in sub_path[1:]:
- c_graph.add_edge(
- v1, v2, e_score=edge_data[(v1, v2)][3])
- v1 = v2
- shortest_path = nx.shortest_path(c_graph, s, t, "e_score")
- score = nx.shortest_path_length(c_graph, s, t, "e_score")
- all_alt_path.append((score, shortest_path))
- # a_ctg_data.append( (s, t, shortest_path) ) #first path is the same as the one used in the primary contig
- while 1:
- n0 = shortest_path[0]
- for n1 in shortest_path[1:]:
- c_graph.remove_edge(n0, n1)
- n0 = n1
- try:
- shortest_path = nx.shortest_path(
- c_graph, s, t, "e_score")
- score = nx.shortest_path_length(
- c_graph, s, t, "e_score")
- #a_ctg_data.append( (s, t, shortest_path) )
- all_alt_path.append((score, shortest_path))
- except nx.exception.NetworkXNoPath:
- break
- # if len(shortest_path) < 2:
- # break
- # Is sorting required, if we are appending the shortest paths in order?
- all_alt_path.sort()
- all_alt_path.reverse()
- shortest_path = all_alt_path[0][1]
- # The longest branch in the compound unitig is added to the primary path.
- if len(one_path) != 0:
- one_path.extend(shortest_path[1:])
- else:
- one_path.extend(shortest_path)
- a_ctg_group[(s, t)] = all_alt_path
- if len(one_path) == 0:
- continue
- one_path_edges = list(zip(one_path[:-1], one_path[1:]))
- # Compose the primary contig.
- p_edge_lines, p_ctg_seq_chunks, p_total_score, p_total_length = compose_ctg(seqs, edge_data, ctg_id, one_path_edges, (not improper_p_ctg))
- # Write out the tiling path.
- p_ctg_t_out.write('\n'.join(p_edge_lines))
- p_ctg_t_out.write('\n')
- # Write the sequence.
- # Using the `total_score` instead of `p_total_score` intentionally. Sum of
- # edge scores is not identical to sum of unitig scores.
- p_ctg_out.write('>%s %s %s %d %d\n' % (ctg_id, ctg_label, c_type_, p_total_length, total_score))
- p_ctg_out.write(''.join(p_ctg_seq_chunks))
- p_ctg_out.write('\n')
- a_id = 0
- for v, w in a_ctg_group:
- atig_output = []
- # Compose the base sequence.
- for sub_id in range(len(a_ctg_group[(v, w)])):
- score, atig_path = a_ctg_group[(v, w)][sub_id]
- atig_path_edges = list(zip(atig_path[:-1], atig_path[1:]))
- a_ctg_id = '%s-%03d-%02d' % (ctg_id, a_id + 1, sub_id)
- a_edge_lines, sub_seqs, a_total_score, a_total_length = compose_ctg(
- seqs, edge_data, a_ctg_id, atig_path_edges, proper_a_ctg)
- seq = ''.join(sub_seqs)
- # Keep the placeholder for these values for legacy purposes, but mark
- # them as for deletion.
- # The base a_ctg will also be output to the same file, for simplicity.
- delta_len = 0
- idt = 1.0
- cov = 1.0
- atig_output.append((v, w, atig_path, a_total_length, a_total_score, seq, atig_path_edges, a_ctg_id, a_edge_lines, delta_len, idt, cov))
- if len(atig_output) == 1:
- continue
- for sub_id, data in enumerate(atig_output):
- v, w, tig_path, a_total_length, a_total_score, seq, atig_path_edges, a_ctg_id, a_edge_lines, delta_len, a_idt, cov = data
- # Write out the tiling path.
- a_ctg_t_out.write('\n'.join(a_edge_lines))
- a_ctg_t_out.write('\n')
- # Write the sequence.
- a_ctg_out.write('>%s %s %s %d %d %d %d %0.2f %0.2f\n' % (a_ctg_id, v, w, a_total_length, a_total_score, len(atig_path_edges), delta_len, idt, cov))
- a_ctg_out.write(''.join(seq))
- a_ctg_out.write('\n')
- a_id += 1
- a_ctg_out.close()
- p_ctg_out.close()
- a_ctg_t_out.close()
- p_ctg_t_out.close()
- def main(argv=sys.argv):
- description = 'Generate the primary and alternate contig fasta files and tiling paths, given the string graph.'
- epilog = """
- We write these:
- p_ctg_out = open("p_ctg.fa", "w")
- a_ctg_out = open("a_ctg_all.fa", "w")
- p_ctg_t_out = open("p_ctg_tiling_path", "w")
- a_ctg_t_out = open("a_ctg_all_tiling_path", "w")
- """
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description=description,
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
- epilog=epilog)
- parser.add_argument('--improper-p-ctg', action='store_true',
- help='Skip the initial read in each p_ctg path.')
- parser.add_argument('--proper-a-ctg', action='store_true',
- help='Skip the initial read in each a_ctg path.')
- parser.add_argument('--preads-fasta-fn', type=str,
- default='./preads4falcon.fasta',
- help='Input. Preads file, required to construct the contigs.')
- parser.add_argument('--sg-edges-list-fn', type=str,
- default='./sg_edges_list',
- help='Input. File containing string graph edges, produced by ovlp_to_graph.py.')
- parser.add_argument('--utg-data-fn', type=str,
- default='./utg_data',
- help='Input. File containing unitig data, produced by ovlp_to_graph.py.')
- parser.add_argument('--ctg-paths-fn', type=str,
- default='./ctg_paths',
- help='Input. File containing contig paths, produced by ovlp_to_graph.py.')
- args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
- run(**vars(args))
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
- main(sys.argv)