123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785 |
- """Filesytem-based process-watcher.
- This is meant to be part of a 2-process system. For now, let's call these processes the Definer and the Watcher.
- * The Definer creates a graph of tasks and starts a resolver loop, like pypeflow. It keeps a Waiting list, a Running list, and a Done list. It then communicates with the Watcher.
- * The Watcher has 3 basic functions in its API.
- 1. Spawn jobs.
- 2. Kill jobs.
- 3. Query jobs.
- 1. Spawning jobs
- The job definition includes the script, how to run it (locally, qsub, etc.), and maybe some details (unique-id, run-directory). The Watcher then:
- * wraps the script without something to update a heartbeat-file periodically,
- * spawns each job (possibly as a background process locally),
- * and records info (including PID or qsub-name) in a persistent database.
- 2. Kill jobs.
- Since it has a persistent database, it can always kill any job, upon request.
- 3. Query jobs.
- Whenever requested, it can poll the filesystem for all or any jobs, returning the subset of completed jobs. (For NFS efficiency, all the job-exit sentinel files can be in the same directory, along with the heartbeats.)
- The Definer would call the Watcher to spawn tasks, and then periodically to poll them. Because these are both now single-threaded, the Watcher *could* be a function within the Definer, or a it could be blocking call to a separate process. With proper locking on the database, users could also query the same executable as a separate process.
- Caching/timestamp-checking would be done in the Definer, flexibly specific to each Task.
- Eventually, the Watcher could be in a different programming language. Maybe perl. (In bash, a background heartbeat gets is own process group, so it can be hard to clean up.)
- """
- try:
- from shlex import quote
- except ImportError:
- from pipes import quote
- import collections
- import contextlib
- import copy
- import glob
- import json
- import logging
- import os
- import pprint
- import re
- import signal
- import string
- import subprocess
- import sys
- import time
- import traceback
- from pypeflow.io import capture, syscall
- log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- ALLOWED_SKEW_S = 120.0
- STATE_FN = 'state.py'
- Job = collections.namedtuple('Job', ['jobid', 'cmd', 'rundir', 'options'])
- MetaJob = collections.namedtuple('MetaJob', ['job', 'lang_exe'])
- lang_python_exe = sys.executable
- lang_bash_exe = '/bin/bash'
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def cd(newdir):
- prevdir = os.getcwd()
- log.debug('CD: %r <- %r' %(newdir, prevdir))
- os.chdir(os.path.expanduser(newdir))
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- log.debug('CD: %r -> %r' %(newdir, prevdir))
- os.chdir(prevdir)
- class MetaJobClass(object):
- ext = {
- lang_python_exe: '.py',
- lang_bash_exe: '.bash',
- }
- def get_wrapper(self):
- return 'run-%s%s' %(self.mj.job.jobid, self.ext[self.mj.lang_exe])
- def get_sentinel(self):
- return 'exit-%s' %self.mj.job.jobid # in watched dir
- def get_heartbeat(self):
- return 'heartbeat-%s' %self.mj.job.jobid # in watched dir
- def get_pid(self):
- return self.mj.pid
- def kill(self, pid, sig):
- stored_pid = self.get_pid()
- if not pid:
- pid = stored_pid
- log.info('Not passed a pid to kill. Using stored pid:%s' %pid)
- if pid and stored_pid:
- if pid != stored_pid:
- log.error('pid:%s != stored_pid:%s' %(pid, stored_pid))
- os.kill(pid, sig)
- def __init__(self, mj):
- self.mj = mj
- class State(object):
- def get_state_fn(self):
- return os.path.join(self.__directory, STATE_FN)
- def get_directory(self):
- return self.__directory
- def get_directory_wrappers(self):
- return os.path.join(self.__directory, 'wrappers')
- def get_directory_heartbeats(self):
- return os.path.join(self.__directory, 'heartbeats')
- def get_directory_exits(self):
- return os.path.join(self.__directory, 'exits')
- def get_directory_jobs(self):
- # B/c the other directories can get big, we put most per-job data here, under each jobid.
- return os.path.join(self.__directory, 'jobs')
- def get_directory_job(self, jobid):
- return os.path.join(self.get_directory_jobs(), jobid)
- def submit_background(self, bjob):
- """Run job in background.
- Record in state.
- """
- self.top['jobs'][bjob.mjob.job.jobid] = bjob
- jobid = bjob.mjob.job.jobid
- mji = MetaJobClass(bjob.mjob)
- script_fn = os.path.join(self.get_directory_wrappers(), mji.get_wrapper())
- exe = bjob.mjob.lang_exe
- run_dir = self.get_directory_job(jobid)
- makedirs(run_dir)
- with cd(run_dir):
- bjob.submit(self, exe, script_fn) # Can raise
- log.info('Submitted backgroundjob=%s'%repr(bjob))
- self.top['jobids_submitted'].append(jobid)
- def get_mji(self, jobid):
- mjob = self.top['jobs'][jobid].mjob
- return MetaJobClass(mjob)
- def get_bjob(self, jobid):
- return self.top['jobs'][jobid]
- def get_bjobs(self):
- return self.top['jobs']
- def get_mjobs(self):
- return {jobid: bjob.mjob for jobid, bjob in self.top['jobs'].items()}
- def add_deleted_jobid(self, jobid):
- self.top['jobids_deleted'].append(jobid)
- def serialize(self):
- return pprint.pformat(self.top)
- @staticmethod
- def deserialize(directory, content):
- state = State(directory)
- state.top = eval(content)
- state.content_prev = content
- return state
- @staticmethod
- def create(directory):
- state = State(directory)
- makedirs(state.get_directory_wrappers())
- makedirs(state.get_directory_heartbeats())
- makedirs(state.get_directory_exits())
- #system('lfs setstripe -c 1 {}'.format(state.get_directory_heartbeats())) # no improvement noticed
- makedirs(state.get_directory_jobs())
- return state
- def __init__(self, directory):
- self.__directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
- self.content_prev = ''
- self.top = dict()
- self.top['jobs'] = dict()
- self.top['jobids_deleted'] = list()
- self.top['jobids_submitted'] = list()
- def get_state(directory):
- state_fn = os.path.join(directory, STATE_FN)
- if not os.path.exists(state_fn):
- return State.create(directory)
- try:
- return State.deserialize(directory, open(state_fn).read())
- except Exception:
- log.exception('Failed to read state "%s". Ignoring (and soon over-writing) current state.'%state_fn)
- # TODO: Backup previous STATE_FN?
- return State(directory)
- def State_save(state):
- # TODO: RW Locks, maybe for runtime of whole program.
- content = state.serialize()
- content_prev = state.content_prev
- if content == content_prev:
- return
- fn = state.get_state_fn()
- open(fn, 'w').write(content)
- log.debug('saved state to %s' %repr(os.path.abspath(fn)))
- def Job_get_MetaJob(job, lang_exe=lang_bash_exe):
- return MetaJob(job, lang_exe=lang_exe)
- def MetaJob_wrap(mjob, state):
- """Write wrapper contents to mjob.wrapper.
- """
- wdir = state.get_directory_wrappers()
- hdir = state.get_directory_heartbeats()
- edir = state.get_directory_exits()
- metajob_rundir = mjob.job.rundir
- bash_template = """#!%(lang_exe)s
- printenv
- echo
- set -x
- %(cmd)s
- """
- # We do not bother with 'set -e' here because this script is run either
- # in the background or via qsub.
- templates = {
- lang_python_exe: python_template,
- lang_bash_exe: bash_template,
- }
- mji = MetaJobClass(mjob)
- wrapper_fn = os.path.join(wdir, mji.get_wrapper())
- exit_sentinel_fn=os.path.join(edir, mji.get_sentinel())
- heartbeat_fn=os.path.join(hdir, mji.get_heartbeat())
- command = mjob.job.cmd
- prog = 'heartbeat-wrapper' # missing in mobs
- prog = 'python3 -m pwatcher.mains.fs_heartbeat'
- heartbeat_wrapper_template = "{prog} --directory={metajob_rundir} --heartbeat-file={heartbeat_fn} --exit-file={exit_sentinel_fn} --rate={rate} {command} || echo 99 >| {exit_sentinel_fn}"
- # We write 99 into exit-sentinel if the wrapper fails.
- wrapped = heartbeat_wrapper_template.format(**locals())
- log.debug('Wrapped "%s"' %wrapped)
- wrapped = templates[mjob.lang_exe] %dict(
- lang_exe=mjob.lang_exe,
- cmd=wrapped,
- )
- log.debug('Writing wrapper "%s"' %wrapper_fn)
- open(wrapper_fn, 'w').write(wrapped)
- def background(script, exe='/bin/bash'):
- """Start script in background (so it keeps going when we exit).
- Run in cwd.
- For now, stdout/stderr are captured.
- Return pid.
- """
- args = [exe, script]
- sin = open(os.devnull)
- sout = open('stdout', 'w')
- serr = open('stderr', 'w')
- pseudo_call = '{exe} {script} 1>|stdout 2>|stderr & '.format(exe=exe, script=script)
- log.info('dir: {!r}\nCALL:\n {!r}'.format(os.getcwd(), pseudo_call))
- proc = subprocess.Popen([exe, script], stdin=sin, stdout=sout, stderr=serr)
- pid = proc.pid
- log.info('pid=%s pgid=%s sub-pid=%s' %(os.getpid(), os.getpgid(0), proc.pid))
- #checkcall = 'ls -l /proc/{}/cwd'.format(
- # proc.pid)
- #system(checkcall, checked=True)
- return pid
- def qstripped(option, flag='-q'):
- """Given a string of options, remove any -q foo.
- (No longer used.)
- >>> qstripped('-xy -q foo -z bar')
- '-xy -z bar'
- >>> qstripped('-xy -p foo -z bar', '-p')
- '-xy -z bar'
- """
- # For now, do not strip -qfoo
- vals = option.strip().split()
- while flag in vals:
- i = vals.index(flag)
- vals = vals[0:i] + vals[i+2:]
- return ' '.join(vals)
- class MetaJobLocal(object):
- """For jobs on the local machine, with process-watching.
- We cannot simply run with '&' because then we would not know how
- to kill the new background job.
- """
- def submit(self, state, exe, script_fn):
- """Can raise.
- """
- pid = background(script_fn, exe=self.mjob.lang_exe)
- def kill(self, state, heartbeat):
- """Can raise.
- (Actually, we could derive heartbeat from state. But for now, we know it anyway.)
- """
- hdir = state.get_directory_heartbeats()
- heartbeat_fn = os.path.join(hdir, heartbeat)
- with open(heartbeat_fn) as ifs:
- line = ifs.readline()
- pid = line.split()[1]
- pid = int(pid)
- pgid = line.split()[2]
- pgid = int(pgid)
- sig =signal.SIGKILL
- log.info('Sending signal(%s) to pgid=-%s (pid=%s) based on heartbeat=%r' %(sig, pgid, pid, heartbeat))
- try:
- os.kill(-pgid, sig)
- except Exception:
- log.exception('Failed to kill(%s) pgid=-%s for %r. Trying pid=%s' %(sig, pgid, heartbeat_fn, pid))
- os.kill(pid, sig)
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'MetaJobLocal(%s)' %repr(self.mjob)
- def __init__(self, mjob):
- self.mjob = mjob # PUBLIC
- class MetaJobSubmit(object):
- """Generic job-submission, non-blocking.
- Add shebang to script.
- If running locally, then caller must append '&' onto job_submit to put job in background.
- """
- def submit(self, state, exe, script_fn):
- """Run in cwd, in background.
- Can raise.
- """
- run_dir = os.getcwd()
- job_name = self.get_job_name()
- #job_nproc = self.job_nproc
- #job_mb = self.job_mb
- #job_queue = self.job_queue
- # Add shebang, in case shell_start_mode=unix_behavior (for SGE).
- # https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/FALCON/pull/348
- with open(script_fn, 'r') as original: data = original.read()
- with open(script_fn, 'w') as modified: modified.write("#!/bin/bash" + "\n" + data)
- mapping = dict(
- JOB_EXE='/bin/bash',
- JOB_NAME=job_name,
- #JOB_QUEUE=job_queue,
- JOB_SCRIPT=script_fn, CMD=script_fn,
- JOB_DIR=run_dir, DIR=run_dir,
- JOB_STDOUT='stdout', STDOUT_FILE='stdout',
- JOB_STDERR='stderr', STDERR_FILE='stderr',
- #MB=pypeflow_mb,
- #NPROC=pypeflow_nproc,
- )
- mapping.update(self.job_dict)
- if 'JOB_OPTS' in mapping:
- # a special two-level mapping: ${JOB_OPTS} is substituted first
- mapping['JOB_OPTS'] = self.sub(mapping['JOB_OPTS'], mapping)
- sge_cmd = self.sub(self.submit_template, mapping)
- self.submit_capture = capture(sge_cmd)
- def kill(self, state, heartbeat=None):
- """Can raise.
- """
- #hdir = state.get_directory_heartbeats()
- #heartbeat_fn = os.path.join(hdir, heartbeat)
- #jobid = self.mjob.job.jobid
- job_name = self.get_job_name()
- job_num = self.get_job_num()
- mapping = dict(
- JOB_NAME=job_name,
- JOB_NUM=job_name,
- )
- mapping.update(self.job_dict)
- sge_cmd = self.sub(self.kill_template, mapping)
- system(sge_cmd, checked=False)
- def sub(self, unsub, mapping):
- return string.Template(unsub).substitute(mapping)
- def get_job_name(self):
- """Some systems are limited to 15 characters, but we expect that to be truncated by the caller.
- TODO: Choose a sequential jobname and record it. Priority: low, since collisions are very unlikely.
- """
- # jobid is an overloaded term in the pbsmrtpipe world, so we use job_name here.
- return self.mjob.job.jobid
- def get_job_num(self):
- """For now, just the jobname.
- """
- return self.mjob.job.jobid
- def __repr__(self):
- return '{}({!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.mjob)
- def __init__(self, mjob):
- self.mjob = mjob
- if not hasattr(self, 'JOB_OPTS'):
- self.JOB_OPTS = None # unreachable, since this is an abstract class
- self.job_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.mjob.job.options)
- jd = self.job_dict
- if 'submit' in jd:
- self.submit_template = jd['submit']
- if 'kill' in jd:
- self.kill_template = jd['kill']
- if 'JOB_OPTS' not in jd and hasattr(self, 'JOB_OPTS'):
- jd['JOB_OPTS'] = self.JOB_OPTS
- assert self.submit_template
- assert self.kill_template
- assert self.JOB_OPTS
- class MetaJobSge(MetaJobSubmit):
- def __init__(self, mjob):
- # '-V' => pass enV; '-j y' => combine out/err
- self.submit_template = 'qsub -V -N ${JOB_NAME} ${JOB_OPTS} -cwd -o ${JOB_STDOUT} -e ${JOB_STDERR} -S /bin/bash ${JOB_SCRIPT}'
- self.JOB_OPTS = '-q ${JOB_QUEUE} -pe smp ${NPROC}' # -l h_vmem=${MB}M does not work within PacBio
- self.kill_template = 'qdel ${JOB_NAME}'
- super(MetaJobSge, self).__init__(mjob)
- class MetaJobPbs(MetaJobSubmit):
- """
- usage: qsub [-a date_time] [-A account_string] [-c interval]
- [-C directive_prefix] [-e path] [-h ] [-I [-X]] [-j oe|eo] [-J X-Y[:Z]]
- [-k o|e|oe] [-l resource_list] [-m mail_options] [-M user_list]
- [-N jobname] [-o path] [-p priority] [-q queue] [-r y|n]
- [-S path] [-u user_list] [-W otherattributes=value...]
- [-v variable_list] [-V ] [-z] [script | -- command [arg1 ...]]
- """
- def get_job_num(self):
- """Really an Id, not a number, but JOB_ID was used for something else.
- See: https://github.com/PacificBiosciences/pypeFLOW/issues/54
- """
- cap = self.submit_capture
- try:
- re_cap = re.compile(r'\S+')
- mo = re_cap.search(cap)
- return mo.group(0)
- except Exception:
- log.exception('For PBS, failed to parse submit_capture={!r}\n Using job_name instead.'.format(cap))
- return self.mjob.job.jobid
- def __init__(self, mjob):
- self.submit_template = 'qsub -V -N ${JOB_NAME} ${JOB_OPTS} -o ${JOB_STDOUT} -e ${JOB_STDERR} -S /bin/bash ${JOB_SCRIPT}'
- self.JOB_OPTS = '-q ${JOB_QUEUE} --cpus-per-task=${NPROC} --mem-per-cpu=${MB}M'
- self.kill_template = 'qdel ${JOB_NAME}'
- super(MetaJobPbs, self).__init__(mjob)
- class MetaJobTorque(MetaJobSubmit):
- # http://docs.adaptivecomputing.com/torque/4-0-2/help.htm#topics/commands/qsub.htm
- def __init__(self, mjob):
- self.submit_template = 'qsub -V -N ${JOB_NAME} ${JOB_OPTS} -d ${JOB_DIR} -o ${JOB_STDOUT} -e ${JOB_STDERR} -S /bin/bash ${JOB_SCRIPT}'
- self.JOB_OPTS = '-q ${JOB_QUEUE} -l procs=${NPROC}'
- self.kill_template = 'qdel ${JOB_NUM}'
- super(MetaJobTorque, self).__init__(mjob)
- class MetaJobSlurm(MetaJobSubmit):
- def __init__(self, mjob):
- self.submit_template = 'sbatch -J ${JOB_NAME} ${JOB_OPTS} -D ${JOB_DIR} -o ${JOB_STDOUT} -e ${JOB_STDERR} --wrap="/bin/bash ${JOB_SCRIPT}"'
- self.JOB_OPTS = '-p ${JOB_QUEUE} --mincpus=${NPROC} --mem-per-cpu=${MB}'
- self.kill_template = 'scancel -n ${JOB_NUM}'
- super(MetaJobSlurm, self).__init__(mjob)
- class MetaJobLsf(MetaJobSubmit):
- def __init__(self, mjob):
- self.submit_template = 'bsub -J ${JOB_NAME} ${JOB_OPTS} -o ${JOB_STDOUT} -e ${JOB_STDERR} "/bin/bash ${JOB_SCRIPT}"'
- # "Sets the user's execution environment for the job, including the current working directory, file creation mask, and all environment variables, and sets LSF environment variables before starting the job."
- self.JOB_OPTS = '-q ${JOB_QUEUE} -n ${NPROC}'
- self.kill_template = 'bkill -J ${JOB_NUM}'
- super(MetaJobLsf, self).__init__(mjob)
- def link_rundir(state_rundir, user_rundir):
- if user_rundir:
- link_fn = os.path.join(user_rundir, 'pwatcher.dir')
- if os.path.lexists(link_fn):
- os.unlink(link_fn)
- os.symlink(os.path.abspath(state_rundir), link_fn)
- def cmd_run(state, jobids, job_type, job_defaults_dict):
- """On stdin, each line is a unique job-id, followed by run-dir, followed by command+args.
- Wrap them and run them locally, in the background.
- """
- # We don't really need job_defaults_dict as they were already
- # added to job_dict for each job.
- jobs = dict()
- submitted = list()
- result = {'submitted': submitted}
- for jobid, desc in jobids.items():
- options = copy.deepcopy(desc['job_dict']) # defaults were already applied here
- if not options.get('job_type'):
- options['job_type'] = job_type
- if int(desc['job_local']):
- options['job_type'] = 'local'
- jobs[jobid] = Job(jobid, desc['cmd'], desc['rundir'], options)
- log.debug('jobs:\n{}'.format(pprint.pformat(jobs)))
- for jobid, job in jobs.items():
- desc = jobids[jobid]
- mjob = Job_get_MetaJob(job)
- MetaJob_wrap(mjob, state)
- options = job.options
- my_job_type = job.options['job_type']
- if my_job_type is None:
- my_job_type = job_type
- my_job_type = my_job_type.upper()
- log.info(' starting job {} w/ job_type={}'.format(pprint.pformat(job), my_job_type))
- if my_job_type == 'LOCAL':
- bjob = MetaJobLocal(mjob)
- elif my_job_type == 'SGE':
- bjob = MetaJobSge(mjob)
- elif my_job_type == 'PBS':
- bjob = MetaJobPbs(mjob)
- elif my_job_type == 'TORQUE':
- bjob = MetaJobTorque(mjob)
- elif my_job_type == 'SLURM':
- bjob = MetaJobSlurm(mjob)
- elif my_job_type == 'LSF':
- bjob = MetaJobLsf(mjob)
- else:
- raise Exception('Unknown my_job_type=%s' %repr(my_job_type))
- try:
- link_rundir(state.get_directory_job(jobid), desc.get('rundir'))
- state.submit_background(bjob)
- submitted.append(jobid)
- except Exception:
- log.exception('In pwatcher.fs_based.cmd_run(), failed to submit background-job:\n{!r}'.format(
- bjob))
- #raise
- return result
- # The caller is responsible for deciding what to do about job-submission failures. Re-try, maybe?
- re_heartbeat = re.compile(r'heartbeat-(.+)')
- def get_jobid_for_heartbeat(heartbeat):
- """This cannot fail unless we change the filename format.
- """
- mo = re_heartbeat.search(heartbeat)
- jobid = mo.group(1)
- return jobid
- def system(call, checked=False):
- log.info('CALL:\n {}'.format(call))
- rc = os.system(call)
- if checked and rc:
- raise Exception('{} <- {!r}'.format(rc, call))
- _warned = dict()
- def warnonce(hashkey, msg):
- if hashkey in _warned:
- return
- log.warning(msg)
- _warned[hashkey] = True
- def get_status(state, elistdir, reference_s, sentinel, heartbeat):
- heartbeat_path = os.path.join(state.get_directory_heartbeats(), heartbeat)
- # We take listdir so we can avoid extra system calls.
- if sentinel in elistdir:
- try:
- pass
- #os.remove(heartbeat_path) # Note: We no longer use the heartbeats.
- except Exception:
- log.debug('Unable to remove heartbeat {} when sentinel was found in exit-sentinels listdir.\n{}'.format(
- repr(heartbeat_path), traceback.format_exc()))
- sentinel_path = os.path.join(state.get_directory_exits(), sentinel)
- with open(sentinel_path) as ifs:
- rc = ifs.read().strip()
- return 'EXIT {}'.format(rc)
- ## TODO: Record last stat times, to avoid extra stat if too frequent.
- #try:
- # mtime_s = os.path.getmtime(heartbeat_path)
- # if (mtime_s + 3*HEARTBEAT_RATE_S) < reference_s:
- # if (ALLOWED_SKEW_S + mtime_s + 3*HEARTBEAT_RATE_S) < reference_s:
- # msg = 'DEAD job? {} + 3*{} + {} < {} for {!r}'.format(
- # mtime_s, HEARTBEAT_RATE_S, ALLOWED_SKEW_S, reference_s, heartbeat_path)
- # log.debug(msg)
- # warnonce(heartbeat_path, msg)
- # return 'DEAD'
- # else:
- # log.debug('{} + 3*{} < {} for {!r}. You might have a large clock-skew, or filesystem delays, or just filesystem time-rounding.'.format(
- # mtime_s, HEARTBEAT_RATE_S, reference_s, heartbeat_path))
- #except Exception as exc:
- # # Probably, somebody deleted it after our call to os.listdir().
- # # TODO: Decide what this really means.
- # log.debug('Heartbeat not (yet?) found at %r: %r' %(heartbeat_path, exc))
- # return 'UNKNOWN'
- return 'RUNNING' # but actually it might not have started yet, or it could be dead, since we are not checking the heartbeat
- def cmd_query(state, which, jobids):
- """Return the state of named jobids.
- See find_jobids().
- """
- found = dict()
- edir = state.get_directory_exits()
- for heartbeat in find_heartbeats(state, which, jobids):
- jobid = get_jobid_for_heartbeat(heartbeat)
- mji = state.get_mji(jobid)
- sentinel = mji.get_sentinel()
- #system('ls -l {}/{} {}/{}'.format(edir, sentinel, hdir, heartbeat), checked=False)
- found[jobid] = (sentinel, heartbeat)
- elistdir = os.listdir(edir)
- current_time_s = time.time()
- result = dict()
- jobstats = dict()
- result['jobids'] = jobstats
- for jobid, pair in found.items():
- sentinel, heartbeat = pair
- status = get_status(state, elistdir, current_time_s, sentinel, heartbeat)
- log.debug('Status %s for heartbeat:%s' %(status, heartbeat))
- jobstats[jobid] = status
- return result
- def get_jobid2pid(pid2mjob):
- result = dict()
- for pid, mjob in pid2mjob.items():
- jobid = mjob.job.jobid
- result[jobid] = pid
- return result
- def find_heartbeats(state, which, jobids):
- """Yield heartbeat filenames.
- If which=='list', then query jobs listed as jobids.
- If which=='known', then query all known jobs.
- If which=='infer', then query all jobs with heartbeats.
- These are not quite finished, but already useful.
- """
- #log.debug('find_heartbeats for which=%s, jobids=%s' %(which, pprint.pformat(jobids)))
- if which == 'infer':
- for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(state.get_directory_heartbeats(), 'heartbeat*')):
- yield fn
- elif which == 'known':
- jobid2mjob = state.get_mjobs()
- for jobid, mjob in jobid2mjob.items():
- mji = MetaJobClass(mjob)
- yield mji.get_heartbeat()
- elif which == 'list':
- jobid2mjob = state.get_mjobs()
- #log.debug('jobid2mjob:\n%s' %pprint.pformat(jobid2mjob))
- for jobid in jobids:
- #log.debug('jobid=%s; jobids=%s' %(repr(jobid), repr(jobids)))
- #if jobid not in jobid2mjob:
- # log.info("jobid=%s is not known. Might have been deleted already." %jobid)
- mjob = jobid2mjob[jobid]
- mji = MetaJobClass(mjob)
- yield mji.get_heartbeat()
- else:
- raise Exception('which=%s'%repr(which))
- def delete_heartbeat(state, heartbeat, keep=False):
- """
- Kill the job with this heartbeat.
- (If there is no heartbeat, then the job is already gone.)
- Delete the entry from state and update its jobid.
- Remove the heartbeat file, unless 'keep'.
- """
- hdir = state.get_directory_heartbeats()
- heartbeat_fn = os.path.join(hdir, heartbeat)
- jobid = get_jobid_for_heartbeat(heartbeat)
- try:
- bjob = state.get_bjob(jobid)
- except Exception:
- log.exception('In delete_heartbeat(), unable to find batchjob for %s (from %s)' %(jobid, heartbeat))
- log.warning('Cannot delete. You might be able to delete this yourself if you examine the content of %s.' %heartbeat_fn)
- # TODO: Maybe provide a default grid type, so we can attempt to delete anyway?
- return
- try:
- bjob.kill(state, heartbeat)
- except Exception as exc:
- log.exception('Failed to kill job for heartbeat {!r} (which might mean it was already gone): {!r}'.format(
- heartbeat, exc))
- state.add_deleted_jobid(jobid)
- # For now, keep it in the 'jobs' table.
- try:
- os.remove(heartbeat_fn)
- log.debug('Removed heartbeat=%s' %repr(heartbeat))
- except OSError as exc:
- log.debug('Cannot remove heartbeat {!r}: {!r}'.format(heartbeat_fn, exc))
- # Note: If sentinel suddenly appeared, that means the job exited. The pwatcher might wrongly think
- # it was deleted, but its output might be available anyway.
- def cmd_delete(state, which, jobids):
- """Kill designated jobs, including (hopefully) their
- entire process groups.
- If which=='list', then kill all jobs listed as jobids.
- If which=='known', then kill all known jobs.
- If which=='infer', then kill all jobs with heartbeats.
- Remove those heartbeat files.
- """
- log.debug('Deleting jobs for jobids from %s (%s)' %(
- which, repr(jobids)))
- for heartbeat in find_heartbeats(state, which, jobids):
- delete_heartbeat(state, heartbeat)
- def makedirs(path):
- if not os.path.isdir(path):
- os.makedirs(path)
- def readjson(ifs):
- """Del keys that start with ~.
- That lets us have trailing commas on all other lines.
- """
- content = ifs.read()
- log.debug('content:%s' %repr(content))
- jsonval = json.loads(content)
- #pprint.pprint(jsonval)
- def striptildes(subd):
- if not isinstance(subd, dict):
- return
- for k,v in list(subd.items()):
- if k.startswith('~'):
- del subd[k]
- else:
- striptildes(v)
- striptildes(jsonval)
- #pprint.pprint(jsonval)
- return jsonval
- class ProcessWatcher(object):
- def run(self, jobids, job_type, job_defaults_dict):
- #import traceback; log.debug(''.join(traceback.format_stack()))
- log.debug('run(jobids={}, job_type={}, job_defaults_dict={})'.format(
- '<%s>'%len(jobids), job_type, job_defaults_dict))
- return cmd_run(self.state, jobids, job_type, job_defaults_dict)
- def query(self, which='list', jobids=[]):
- log.debug('query(which={!r}, jobids={})'.format(
- which, '<%s>'%len(jobids)))
- return cmd_query(self.state, which, jobids)
- def delete(self, which='list', jobids=[]):
- log.debug('delete(which={!r}, jobids={})'.format(
- which, '<%s>'%len(jobids)))
- return cmd_delete(self.state, which, jobids)
- def __init__(self, state):
- self.state = state
- def get_process_watcher(directory):
- state = get_state(directory)
- #log.debug('state =\n%s' %pprint.pformat(state.top))
- return ProcessWatcher(state)
- #State_save(state)
- @contextlib.contextmanager
- def process_watcher(directory):
- """This will (someday) hold a lock, so that
- the State can be written safely at the end.
- """
- state = get_state(directory)
- #log.debug('state =\n%s' %pprint.pformat(state.top))
- yield ProcessWatcher(state)
- # TODO: Sometimes, maybe we should not save state.
- # Or maybe we *should* on exception.
- State_save(state)
- def main(prog, cmd, state_dir='mainpwatcher', argsfile=None):
- logging.basicConfig()
- logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.NOTSET)
- log.warning('logging basically configured')
- log.debug('debug mode on')
- assert cmd in ['run', 'query', 'delete']
- ifs = sys.stdin if not argsfile else open(argsfile)
- argsdict = readjson(ifs)
- log.info('argsdict =\n%s' %pprint.pformat(argsdict))
- with process_watcher(state_dir) as watcher:
- result = getattr(watcher, cmd)(**argsdict)
- if result is not None:
- print(pprint.pformat(result))
- # With bash, we would need to set the session, rather than
- # the process group. That's not ideal, but this is here for reference.
- # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6549663/how-to-set-process-group-of-a-shell-script
- #
- bash_template = """#!%(lang_exe)s
- cmd='%(cmd)s'
- "$cmd"
- """
- # perl might be better, for efficiency.
- # But we will use python for now.
- #
- python_template = r"""#!%(lang_exe)s
- import threading, time, os, sys
- cmd='%(cmd)s'
- sentinel_fn='%(sentinel_fn)s'
- heartbeat_fn='%(heartbeat_fn)s'
- sleep_s=%(sleep_s)s
- cwd='%(cwd)s'
- os.chdir(cwd)
- def log(msg):
- sys.stderr.write(msg)
- sys.stderr.write('\n')
- #sys.stdout.flush()
- def thread_heartbeat():
- ofs = open(heartbeat_fn, 'w')
- pid = os.getpid()
- pgid = os.getpgid(0)
- x = 0
- while True:
- ofs.write('{} {} {}\n'.format(x, pid, pgid))
- ofs.flush()
- time.sleep(sleep_s)
- x += 1
- def start_heartbeat():
- hb = threading.Thread(target=thread_heartbeat)
- log('alive? {}'.format(hb.is_alive()))
- hb.daemon = True
- hb.start()
- return hb
- def main():
- log('cwd:{!r}'.format(os.getcwd()))
- if os.path.exists(sentinel_fn):
- os.remove(sentinel_fn)
- if os.path.exists(heartbeat_fn):
- os.remove(heartbeat_fn)
- os.system('touch {}'.format(heartbeat_fn))
- log("before: pid={}s pgid={}s".format(os.getpid(), os.getpgid(0)))
- try:
- os.setpgid(0, 0)
- except OSError as e:
- log('Unable to set pgid. Possibly a grid job? Hopefully there will be no dangling processes when killed: {}'.format(
- repr(e)))
- log("after: pid={}s pgid={}s".format(os.getpid(), os.getpgid(0)))
- hb = start_heartbeat()
- log('alive? {} pid={} pgid={}'.format(hb.is_alive(), os.getpid(), os.getpgid(0)))
- rc = os.system(cmd)
- # Do not delete the heartbeat here. The discoverer of the sentinel will do that,
- # to avoid a race condition.
- #if os.path.exists(heartbeat_fn):
- # os.remove(heartbeat_fn)
- with open(sentinel_fn, 'w') as ofs:
- ofs.write(str(rc))
- # sys.exit(rc) # No-one would see this anyway.
- if rc:
- raise Exception('{} <- {!r}'.format(rc, cmd))
- main()
- """
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import pdb
- pdb.set_trace()
- main(*sys.argv) # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter