from falcon_kit.multiproc import Pool import as io import argparse import sys import glob import os from heapq import heappush, heappop, heappushpop Reader = io.CapturedProcessReaderContext def get_pid_to_ctg(fn): pid_to_ctg = {} with open(fn) as f: for row in f: row = row.strip().split() pid, rid, oid, ctg = row pid_to_ctg.setdefault(pid, set()) pid_to_ctg[pid].add(ctg) return pid_to_ctg def run_tr_stage1(db_fn, fn, min_len, bestn, pid_to_ctg): cmd = "LA4Falcon -mo %s %s" % (db_fn, fn) reader = Reader(cmd) with reader: return fn, tr_stage1(reader.readlines, min_len, bestn, pid_to_ctg) def tr_stage1(readlines, min_len, bestn, pid_to_ctg): """ for each read in the b-read column inside the LAS files, we keep top `bestn` hits with a priority queue through all overlaps """ rtn = {} for l in readlines(): l = l.strip().split() q_id, t_id = l[:2] overlap_len = -int(l[2]) idt = float(l[3]) q_s, q_e, q_l = int(l[5]), int(l[6]), int(l[7]) t_s, t_e, t_l = int(l[9]), int(l[10]), int(l[11]) if t_l < min_len: continue if q_id not in pid_to_ctg: continue rtn.setdefault(t_id, []) if len(rtn[t_id]) < bestn: heappush(rtn[t_id], (overlap_len, q_id)) else: heappushpop(rtn[t_id], (overlap_len, q_id)) return rtn def run_track_reads(exe_pool, base_dir, file_list, min_len, bestn, db_fn): io.LOG('preparing tr_stage1') io.logstats() asm_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, '2-asm-falcon')) pid_to_ctg = get_pid_to_ctg(os.path.join( asm_dir, 'read_maps', 'get_ctg_read_map', 'read_to_contig_map')) io.LOG('len(pid_to_ctg) == {}'.format(len(pid_to_ctg))) assert pid_to_ctg, 'Empty pid_to_ctg. Maybe empty {!r}?'.format(file_list) inputs = [] for fn in file_list: inputs.append((run_tr_stage1, db_fn, fn, min_len, bestn, pid_to_ctg)) """ Aggregate hits from each individual LAS and keep the best n hit. Note that this does not guarantee that the final results is globally the best n hits espcially when the number of `bestn` is too small. In those case, if there is more hits from single LAS file, then we will miss some good hits. """ bread_to_areads = {} for fn, res in exe_pool.imap(io.run_func, inputs): for k in res: bread_to_areads.setdefault(k, []) for item in res[k]: if len(bread_to_areads[k]) < bestn: heappush(bread_to_areads[k], item) else: heappushpop(bread_to_areads[k], item) assert bread_to_areads, 'No bread_to_areads found. Is there any point in continuing?' with open(os.path.join(asm_dir, "read_maps/pread_to_contigs"), "w") as out_f: for bread in bread_to_areads: ctg_score = {} for s, pid in bread_to_areads[bread]: if pid not in pid_to_ctg: continue ctgs = pid_to_ctg[pid] for ctg in ctgs: ctg_score.setdefault(ctg, [0, 0]) ctg_score[ctg][0] += -s ctg_score[ctg][1] += 1 ctg_score = list(ctg_score.items()) ctg_score.sort(key=lambda k: k[1][0]) rank = 0 for ctg, score_count in ctg_score: if bread in pid_to_ctg and ctg in pid_to_ctg[bread]: in_ctg = 1 else: in_ctg = 0 score, count = score_count print(bread, ctg, count, rank, score, in_ctg, file=out_f) rank += 1 def try_run_track_reads(n_core, base_dir, min_len, bestn): io.LOG('starting track_reads') pread_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_dir, "1-preads_ovl")) file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(pread_dir, "m*/preads.*.las")) io.LOG('file list: %r' % file_list) db_fn = os.path.join(pread_dir, "preads.db") n_core = min(n_core, len(file_list)) exe_pool = Pool(n_core) try: run_track_reads(exe_pool, base_dir, file_list, min_len, bestn, db_fn) io.LOG('finished track_reads') except: io.LOG('terminating track_reads workers...') exe_pool.terminate() raise def track_reads(n_core, base_dir, min_len, bestn, debug, silent, stream): if debug: n_core = 0 silent = False if silent: io.LOG = io.write_nothing if stream: global Reader Reader = io.StreamedProcessReaderContext try_run_track_reads(n_core, base_dir, min_len, bestn) def parse_args(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='scan the pread overlap information to identify the best hit from the preads \ to the contigs with read_to_contig_map generated by `fc_get_read_ctg_map` in `2-asm-falcon/read_maps/get_ctg_read_map/read_to_contig_map`', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--n_core', type=int, default=4, help='number of processes used for for tracking reads; ' '0 for main process only') #parser.add_argument('--fofn', type=str, help='file contains the path of all LAS file to be processed in parallel') #parser.add_argument('--db', type=str, dest='db_fn', help='read db file path') parser.add_argument('--base_dir', type=str, default="./", help='the base working dir of a FALCON assembly') parser.add_argument('--min_len', type=int, default=2500, help="min length of the reads") parser.add_argument('--stream', action='store_true', help='stream from LA4Falcon, instead of slurping all at once; can save memory for large data') parser.add_argument('--debug', '-g', action='store_true', help="single-threaded, plus other aids to debugging") parser.add_argument('--silent', action='store_true', help="suppress cmd reporting on stderr") parser.add_argument('--bestn', type=int, default=40, help="keep best n hits") args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) return args def main(argv=sys.argv): args = parse_args(argv) track_reads(**vars(args)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()