pbs_node_buckets_perf.py 6.5 KB

  1. # coding: utf-8
  2. # Copyright (C) 1994-2018 Altair Engineering, Inc.
  3. # For more information, contact Altair at www.altair.com.
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  5. # This file is part of the PBS Professional ("PBS Pro") software.
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  36. from tests.performance import *
  37. class TestNodeBucketPerf(TestPerformance):
  38. """
  39. Test the performance of node buckets
  40. """
  41. def setUp(self):
  42. TestPerformance.setUp(self)
  43. self.server.manager(MGR_CMD_CREATE, RSC,
  44. {'type': 'string', 'flag': 'h'}, id='color',
  45. expect=True)
  46. self.colors = \
  47. ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet']
  48. a = {'resources_available.ncpus': 1, 'resources_available.mem': '8gb'}
  49. # 10010 nodes since it divides into 7 evenly.
  50. # Each node bucket will have 1430 nodes in it
  51. self.server.create_vnodes('vnode', a, 10010, self.mom,
  52. sharednode=False,
  53. attrfunc=self.cust_attr_func, expect=False)
  54. self.server.expect(NODE, {'state=free': (GE, 10010)})
  55. self.scheduler.add_resource('color')
  57. self.du.set_pbs_config(confs=a, append=True)
  58. self.scheduler.restart()
  59. def cust_attr_func(self, name, totalnodes, numnode, attribs):
  60. """
  61. Add custom resources to nodes
  62. """
  63. a = {'resources_available.color': self.colors[numnode % 7]}
  64. return dict(attribs.items() + a.items())
  65. def submit_jobs(self, attribs, num):
  66. """
  67. Submit num jobs each in their individual equiv class
  68. """
  69. wt = 100
  70. jids = []
  71. self.server.manager(MGR_CMD_SET, MGR_OBJ_SERVER,
  72. {'scheduling': 'False'}, expect=True)
  73. for i in range(num):
  74. attribs['Resource_List.walltime'] = wt + i
  75. J = Job(TEST_USER, attrs=attribs)
  76. jid = self.server.submit(J)
  77. jids.append(jid)
  78. return jids
  79. def run_cycle(self):
  80. """
  81. Run a cycle and return the length of the cycle
  82. """
  83. self.server.expect(SERVER, {'server_state': 'Scheduling'}, op=NE)
  84. self.server.manager(MGR_CMD_SET, MGR_OBJ_SERVER,
  85. {'scheduling': 'True'})
  86. self.server.expect(SERVER, {'server_state': 'Scheduling'})
  87. self.server.manager(MGR_CMD_SET, MGR_OBJ_SERVER,
  88. {'scheduling': 'False'}, expect=True)
  89. # 600 * 2sec = 20m which is the max cycle length
  90. self.server.expect(SERVER, {'server_state': 'Scheduling'}, op=NE,
  91. max_attempts=600, interval=2)
  92. c = self.scheduler.cycles(lastN=1)[0]
  93. return c.end - c.start
  94. def compare_normal_path_to_buckets(self, place, num_jobs):
  95. """
  96. Submit num_jobs jobs and run two cycles. First one with the normal
  97. node search code path and the second with buckets. Print the
  98. time difference between the two cycles.
  99. """
  100. # Submit one job to eat up the resources. We want to compare the
  101. # time it takes for the scheduler to attempt and fail to run the jobs
  102. a = {'Resource_List.select': '1429:ncpus=1:color=yellow',
  103. 'Resource_List.place': place,
  104. 'Resource_List.walltime': '1:00:00'}
  105. Jyellow = Job(TEST_USER, attrs=a)
  106. Jyellow.set_sleep_time(3600)
  107. jid_yellow = self.server.submit(Jyellow)
  108. self.server.expect(JOB, {'job_state': 'R'}, id=jid_yellow)
  109. self.server.manager(MGR_CMD_SET, MGR_OBJ_SERVER,
  110. {'scheduling': 'False'}, expect=True)
  111. # Shared jobs use standard code path
  112. a = {'Resource_List.select':
  113. '1429:ncpus=1:color=blue+1429:ncpus=1:color=yellow',
  114. "Resource_List.place": place}
  115. jids = self.submit_jobs(a, num_jobs)
  116. cycle1_time = self.run_cycle()
  117. # Excl jobs use bucket codepath
  118. a = {'Resource_List.place': place + ':excl'}
  119. for jid in jids:
  120. self.server.alterjob(jid, a)
  121. cycle2_time = self.run_cycle()
  122. log_msg = 'Cycle 1: %.2f Cycle 2: %.2f Cycle time difference: %.2f'
  123. self.logger.info(log_msg % (cycle1_time, cycle2_time,
  124. cycle1_time - cycle2_time))
  125. self.assertGreater(cycle1_time, cycle2_time)
  126. @timeout(10000)
  127. def test_node_bucket_perf_scatter(self):
  128. """
  129. Submit a large number of jobs which use node buckets. Run a cycle and
  130. compare that to a cycle that doesn't use node buckets. Jobs require
  131. place=excl to use node buckets.
  132. This test uses place=scatter. Scatter placement is quicker than free
  133. """
  134. num_jobs = 3000
  135. self.compare_normal_path_to_buckets('scatter', num_jobs)
  136. @timeout(10000)
  137. def test_node_bucket_perf_free(self):
  138. """
  139. Submit a large number of jobs which use node buckets. Run a cycle and
  140. compare that to a cycle that doesn't use node buckets. Jobs require
  141. place=excl to use node buckets.
  142. This test uses free placement. Free placement is slower than scatter
  143. """
  144. num_jobs = 3000
  145. self.compare_normal_path_to_buckets('free', num_jobs)