# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (C) 1994-2018 Altair Engineering, Inc.
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from tests.functional import *
class TestSisterMom(TestFunctional):
This test suite tests the sister mom crash
def test_sister_mom_crash(self):
This test suite verifies that sister mom
doesn't crash
# Skip test if number of mom provided is not equal to two
if len(self.moms) != 2:
self.skipTest("test requires atleast two MoMs as input, " +
"use -p moms=")
sister_mom = self.moms.keys()[1]
pbsdsh_path = os.path.join(self.server.pbs_conf['PBS_EXEC'],
"bin", "pbsdsh")
script = "%s dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null" % pbsdsh_path
j = Job(TEST_USER)
j.set_attributes({'Resource_List.select': '2',
'Resource_List.place': 'scatter'})
jid = self.server.submit(j)
self.server.expect(JOB, {'job_state': 'R'}, id=jid)
self.server.log_match(";%s;node down: communication closed"
% (sister_mom),
max_attempts=18, interval=10, existence=False)