# coding: utf-8 # Copyright (C) 1994-2018 Altair Engineering, Inc. # For more information, contact Altair at www.altair.com. # # This file is part of the PBS Professional ("PBS Pro") software. # # Open Source License Information: # # PBS Pro is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # PBS Pro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Commercial License Information: # # For a copy of the commercial license terms and conditions, # go to: (http://www.pbspro.com/UserArea/agreement.html) # or contact the Altair Legal Department. # # Altair’s dual-license business model allows companies, individuals, and # organizations to create proprietary derivative works of PBS Pro and # distribute them - whether embedded or bundled with other software - # under a commercial license agreement. # # Use of Altair’s trademarks, including but not limited to "PBS™", # "PBS Professional®", and "PBS Pro™" and Altair’s logos is subject to Altair's # trademark licensing policies. from tests.functional import * class TestReservationRequests(TestFunctional): """ Various tests to verify behavoir of server in validating reservation requests """ # Class variables bu = BatchUtils() fmt = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" def test_duration_end_resv(self): """ To test if reservations can be made by using duration and endtime, making the server calculate the starttime. """ # create reservation to end in 5 seconds and lasts 1. now = int(time.time()) a = {'Resource_List.select': '1:ncpus=1', 'reserve_end': now + 5, 'reserve_duration': 1} R = Reservation(TEST_USER, attrs=a) R.unset_attributes(['reserve_start']) rid = self.server.submit(R) a = {'reserve_start': self.bu.convert_seconds_to_datetime( now + 4, self.fmt)} self.server.expect(RESV, a, id=rid) def test_duration_end_resv_fail(self): """ To test if reservations made by using duration and endtime, making the server calculate the starttime and rejects if the starttime is before now. """ # create reservation to end in 5 seconds and lasts 10. a = {'Resource_List.select': '1:ncpus=1', 'reserve_end': int(time.time()) + 5, 'reserve_duration': 10} R = Reservation(TEST_USER, attrs=a) R.unset_attributes(['reserve_start']) rid = None try: rid = self.server.submit(R) except PbsSubmitError as e: self.assertTrue('Bad time specification(s)' in e.msg[0], 'Reservation Submit failed in an unexpected way') self.assertTrue(rid is None, 'Reservation Submit succeeded ' + 'when it should have failed') def test_start_dur_end_resv_fail(self): """ Test to submit a job with a start, end, and duration where start + duration != end. """ now = int(time.time()) a = {'Resource_List.select': '1:ncpus=1', 'reserve_start': now + 10, 'reserve_end': now + 30, 'reserve_duration': 10} R = Reservation(TEST_USER, attrs=a) rid = None try: rid = self.server.submit(R) except PbsSubmitError as e: self.assertTrue('Bad time specification(s)' in e.msg[0], 'Reservation Submit failed in an unexpected way') self.assertTrue(rid is None, 'Reservation Submit succeeded' + 'when it should have failed') def test_start_dur_end_resv(self): """ Test to submit a job with a start, end, and duration where start + duration = end. """ now = int(time.time()) a = {'Resource_List.select': '1:ncpus=1', 'reserve_start': now + 20, 'reserve_end': now + 30, 'reserve_duration': 10} R = Reservation(TEST_USER, attrs=a) rid = self.server.submit(R) a = {'reserve_state': (MATCH_RE, 'RESV_CONFIRMED|2')} self.server.expect(RESV, a, id=rid) def test_end_wall_resv(self): """ Test to submit a job with end and walltime """ now = int(time.time()) a = {'Resource_List.select': '1:ncpus=1', 'Resource_List.walltime': '10', 'reserve_end': now + 30} R = Reservation(TEST_USER, attrs=a) R.unset_attributes(['reserve_start']) rid = self.server.submit(R) a = {'reserve_state': (MATCH_RE, 'RESV_CONFIRMED|2')} self.server.expect(RESV, a, id=rid) def test_rstat_longterm_resv(self): """ Test to submit a reservation, where duration > INT_MAX. Check whether rstat displaying negative number. """ now = int(time.time()) a = {'Resource_List.select': '1:ncpus=1', 'reserve_start': now + 3600, 'reserve_end': now + 4294970895} r = Reservation(TEST_USER, attrs=a) rid = self.server.submit(r) a = {'reserve_state': (MATCH_RE, 'RESV_CONFIRMED|2')} self.server.expect(RESV, a, id=rid) out = self.server.status(RESV, 'reserve_duration', id=rid)[0][ 'reserve_duration'] dur = long(out) self.assertTrue(dur > 0, 'Duration ' + str(dur) + 'is negative.')