#### Bug/feature Description * *Clearly and concisely describe the problem/feature as it affects the customer (this cannot be empty)* * *Bugs: clearly describe the steps to easily reproduce the problem; you can include short illustrative excerpts from log files or terminal sessions* * *Bugs: if the issue is intermittent and not easily reproducible, describe the situation/scenarios/configurations where it was likely triggered* * *If there is an issue ID, link to it: [PP-XXXX](https://pbspro.atlassian.net/browse/PP-XXXX)* #### Affected Platform(s) * *Platform (for example CentOS 7.2)* #### Cause / Analysis / Design * *If there is an external design, link to it **[project documentation area](https://pbspro.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PD)*** * *If there is a discussion on the Forum, link to it **[pbspro community forum](http://community.pbspro.org/)*** * *Bugs: briefly describe root cause/analysis of the problem* #### Solution Description * *Please describe your code changes in detail for reviewers* #### Testing logs/output * *Please attach your test log output from running the test you added (or from existing tests that cover your changes)* #### Checklist: - [ ] I have joined the **[pbspro community forum](http://community.pbspro.org/)**. - [ ] My pull request contains a **single, signed** commit. See **[setting up gpg signature](https://pbspro.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DG/Signing+Your+Git+Commits)**. - [ ] My code follows the **[coding style](https://pbspro.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DG/Coding+Standards)** of this project. - [ ] My change requires project documentation. See **[required documentation checklist](https://pbspro.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DG/Checklist+for+Developing+Features+and+Bug+Fixes)** for details. - [ ] I have added documentation in the **[project documentation area](https://pbspro.atlassian.net/wiki/display/PD)**. - [ ] I have added new **PTL test(s) to my commit**. (See **[using PTL for testing](https://pbspro.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DG/Using+PTL+for+Testing)**) *(or)* - [ ] I have added **manual test(s) to this pull request and explained why PTL is not appropriate** for this case. - [ ] All new and existing automated tests have passed. (See **[running automated PTL tests](https://pbspro.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DG/PTL+Quick+Start+Guide)**). - [ ] I have attached **test logs to this pull request** as evidence of testing/verification. __***For further information please visit the [Developer Guide Home](https://pbspro.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DG/Developer+Guide+Home).***__